Google Chrome12.0.742.122 Stable

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Chrome adalah sebuah browser yang dibuat oleh Google yang dirancang untuk membuka sebuah website lebih cepat dan aman. Dengan tampilannya yang minimmalis dan efisien tentu akan mempermudah para penggunanya diseluruh dunia.

Fitur terbaru:

Chrome has added some commonly used plugin-specific features of other browsers into the default package, such as an Incognito tab mode, where no logs of the user activity are stored, and all cookies from the session are discarded. As a part of Chrome's V8 javascript virtual machine, pop-up javascript windows will not be shown by default, and will instead appear as a small bar at the bottom of the interface until the user wishes to display or hide the window. Chrome will include support for web applications running alongside other local applications on the computer. Tabs can be put in a web-app mode, where the omnibar and controls will be hidden with the goal of allowing the user to use the web-app without the browser "in the way".


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